Socially Responsible Investment / ESG Funds
Leveraging capital market for impact
We work to leverage capital market for impact, by building social finance innovations.
Co-designed first socially responsible investment mutual fund (ESG) in Thailand with Bualuang Asset Management & For Khon Thai Foundation, IPO value was 1.8 billion Baht. BKIND fund also has a unique element whereby 40% of its management fee is turned into a sub-venture philanthropy fund that directly support social initiatives. (Since 2015)
(Article on ChangeFusion & BKIND Fund at Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN) Knowledge Portal)
Thai Sustainability List Criteria, the Stock Exchange of Thailand
We co-designed with BKIND team and sustainable investing committee within the Stock Exchange of Thailand to develop broad criteria for a list of sustainable listed companies. Based on existing BKIND criteria and consideration of global sustainability criteria such as DJSI & FTSE4Good as well as GRI, the Thai sustainability list was launched. The list eventually became further enhanced and developed into a Thai Sustainability Index (SET TSSI).
(Link to SET TSSI)
Support the creation of industry-wide collaboration with 10 mutual fund companies creating funds to invest into listed companies with high governance standard and supporting anti-corruption projects. The partnership is initiated by the All related funds contribute an average of 40% of their management fees into an anti-corruption initiative fund that directly support anti-corruption, governance building and investigative media initiatives. (6B THB since 2017)
(Link to Thai CG FUND site -THAI)
(Read UNDP’s SDG Localization in ASEAN report with Thai CG Fund partnership as key innovative financing model - P. 101)